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Trauma and EFT

Margit Cathrine Moller

As a healer and counselor, I am not afraid of controversy. I welcome skeptics who asked me about the validity of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). People have doubted the credibility of EFT as a healing tool and some denounced it as a scam. I welcome those who ask because that would give me a chance to explain and help them be enlightened.

EFT works best with trauma therapy – although it also works also with other pains and illnesses, especially those with emotional content.

But trauma is an emotional illness that has physical manifestations. People will tremble when they see someone who abused them. There is a physical reaction – like stomachache, difficulty in breathing, excessive sweating, or migraine – when the cause or place of trauma is remembered or revisited.

Trauma can be caused by physical injuries; and such physical trauma takes time to heal. But there are other traumas that are more difficult to heal, such as the pain from losing a loved one, being abused as a child, having been abused or raped, being a victim of bullying, surviving a disaster that killed many people, etc.

Those are unforgettable experiences, but what healing means is that you are free from the debilitating effects of your tragedy and return to your full health. Healing means making sure that those emotions will not dictate your present reality.

This is the gift of EFT. In my experience, it is an effective healing for trauma. It is safe and painless and offers immediate results.

I have read some people saying that EFT is a scam because it has not been experimented and proven by scientists. Well, I am not a scientist either, but this is what I want to say:

a. Just because science cannot prove it doesn’t mean that it is not true. Science has not discovered the real cause why people love, but it doesn’t mean that love is not true.

b. If science has not proven the validity of EFT as a healing tool, then it is the weakness of science for not having invented the tools to identify and measure energy fields aside from the physical ones.

c. EFT maybe young, but its basis – the principles of acupuncture has been practiced and found effective for thousands of years.

So, the best way to test if it is true is to try it. It doesn’t hurt.