Peace and prosperity are the usual New Year’s wishes, but why don’t we add another one – Pink of Health.
Health and wellness are the two foundations for all other wishes as our body and our minds are our primary vehicle in any other undertakings. Yes, it is true that some people who are sick are still very productive and are contributing to the development of the world’s economy. But, we all desire to be at the peak of our physical performance.
Healing is a goal but it is also a process. It requires attentive concentration on what our body is saying. Each sickness has a message by itself. It speaks about our genes, our lifestyle, our environment, our history and our relationship. To pay attention to our health is to listen to what our body is saying.
That should be part of any New Year goal – whether Christian or Chinese New Year – it doesn’t matter. We don’t even need to wait for any occasion. Healing is about listening to our body. We should commit to our health every day.
And commitment to our health means making decisions – about work, relationships, eating habits, lifestyle etc – so that healing happens.
It also means investing in our health and wellness. To eat what our body actually needs. To stop anything that endangers our body. And to see healers, doctors, therapists, and medical practitioners who can help in our healing process.